Upgraded to Bad Behaviour 2.0 Beta 1 as a test – if you are having problems and getting blocked and can see this through an RSS aggregator like PLOA then drop me an email (chris at csamuel.org will work) to let me know please!
Upgraded to Bad Behaviour 2.0 Beta 1 as a test – if you are having problems and getting blocked and can see this through an RSS aggregator like PLOA then drop me an email (chris at csamuel.org will work) to let me know please!
Oops – appears it doesn’t integrate with wp-cache2 yet, so it may be a little less effective – not that you folks will notice. 😉
WP-Cache 2 starts up a little TOO early. Anyway, it’s on the to-do list, but the solution won’t be easy (and I don’t have nearly as much time as I would like).