The film, An Inconvenient Truth, former US Vice-President Al Gore’s dire warning about the threat of climate change, has won the Oscar for best documentary. Making use of a vast body of scientific data, the film represents a stinging rebuttal to the dwindling and increasingly discredited band of skeptics who refuse to acknowledge the extent of climate change.
Damnit man, where was the spoiler warning?! Gar… 🙂
Er, it’s a bit late for a spoiler warning, it’s all over the news! 😎
Ah, but I can be in a news-free-zone. I totally didn’t expect spoilers on Planet Linux Australia. 😉 Fascismo!
A “news free zone” ?
Does not compute!
I’d better not say that the best director award went to #%#(@!!*^#*%#^#
Just finished — the Al Gore running gags were awesome. 😉
Was it on TV ?