Details on the websites of the State Library (the venue) and DIIRD.
Science, business and the law:
Locking up innovation or sharing and harvesting it – which way to go?
Venue Village Roadshow Theatrette, State Library of Victoria
Date Monday 16 July
Time 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
Cost Free Event
Seating General Admission - No booking required
Speakers Richard Jefferson, Prof Brian Fitzgerald, John Wilbanks, Robyn Williams
As open source software continues to transform the Internet – underpinning the phenomenal growth of businesses like Google, Ebay and YouTube, what can science learn from the computing revolution? Are we missing out on the full benefits of science and technology because of outdated ideas about copyright and patenting?
This lecture will consider whether in our rush to protect intellectual property we are locking it up and damaging our capacity to deliver solutions for the critical issues of the 21st Century.