- Detail of Bee Covered in Pollen – photo taken at Cloudehill Garden on Mt Dandenong http://flic.kr/p/9cpSFc #
- What I'm doing on Wednesday – http://belgravesurvivalday.org/?p=125 #
- PathScale are developing #GPL #039;d #GPGPU driver for nVidia cards based on Nouveau, on GitHub: http://bit.ly/ejE66W #hpc #
- Anyone know what ""unable to map card memory!" means when inserting PCMCIA card into Libretto 70CT running #Linux 2.6.37? #
- apart from "it doesn't work" of course.. #
- Petition to remove 3 "Young Earth Creationism" websites from @Google Scholar due to lack of science – http://bit.ly/ePJyop #
- #Linux ioctls to return info on loopback filesystems will sadly truncate paths to 64 characters, inc. device names.. π #
- Looks like #LKML org archive is b0rked, no updates since 23rd Jan.. #
- #VLSCI is recruiting a systems admin – #HPC Storage & Infrastructure – http://bit.ly/gXO587 #linux #melbourne #unimelb #
- Let Sleeping Dog(s) Lie π http://flic.kr/p/9cpCqc #
- Bah, National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award Collection website doesn't let you link to individual works π #
- Their use of forms and HTTP POST instead of URLs defeated my attempt to post some topical tweets of items from it.. π #
- Wow, @donna_williams has just made the most awesome gluten free dairy free cookies, I'm off! π #GFCF #
- …and now for something completely different – Princess Bride Lightsaber Battle – http://bit.ly/hovKgj #
- Right, it's gardening time.. #
- Happy 7th Anniversary to the Mars rover Opportunity! #
- Fox News invents new network protocol with 6 digit addresses.. and other errors http://me.lt/8L85S (via @incorrect) #
- Fabulous picture RT @apod Hidden Treasures of M78: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap110127.html #space #
- Terrifying recording of @Guardian reporter @HackneyLad + protesters in police truck ordeal in #Egypt http://bit.ly/hLTWgY #
- Anyone seeing evidence of alleged #Egypt internet shutdown? BGP changes ? /cc @NewtonMark @LapTop006 #
- Eek, forecasting 40C for Sunday here in #Melbourne . #
- Oh how I wish there was some way to tell #IBM #039;s ESC+ to remember I'm in Australia… #
- #Locust or Grasshopper? Seen on Lilydale train. http://twitpic.com/3u3guu #Nature #
- Locust or Grasshopper #2 – seen on Lilydale train. http://twitpic.com/3u3gzg #Nature #
- Very pretty visualisation of scientific collaborations – RT @m57ring http://bit.ly/f8fKru #
- "Anonymous" has posted free Spanish PPP dialup for folks in #Egypt on @atoonk's blog http://bit.ly/eBTKOP #jan25 – pls RT #
- Big list of PPP Internet dialups here on the "We Rebuild" site for #Egypt – http://bit.ly/hXqVpG #jan25 #
- Instructions on using PPP dialup internet (Windows centric) and more dialup numbers – http://bit.ly/gxJGZU #egypt #jan25 #
- Want to track Noor Data Networks connectivity to #Egypt ? Recent info about BGP status here http://bit.ly/fXbYFQ #jan25 #
- You can track current status of #Internet routes being announced from #Egypt via BGP here – http://bit.ly/fib87u #jan25 #
- I wonder if #Egypt is blocking/filtering 6to4 tunnels over the few remaining #Internet links ? #ipv6 #
- Tree fern detail taken with Nikon D90 and #Lensbaby 2.0 at National Rhododendron Gardens, Olinda http://flic.kr/p/8GyWSZ #
- AS31065 (Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) has no routes advertised via BGP, was 8 ~6 hours ago #Egypt #
- Jake Shimabukuro plays Bohemian Rhapsody on a ukulele π http://on.ted.com/8s7N (via @TEDchris) #
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