- It's not just Canberra @sabman, have a look at Geelong http://bit.ly/vhhEh
🙂 #osm # - Which kernel are you using @timfaas ? There was a kernel bug that caused a big regression in sqlite performance from 2.6.26-28, fixed i … #
- RT @774melbourne – 'BOM: "Batten down the hatches!" Severe weather heading across the state, storms to hit Melbourne from 11pm.' #
- RT @alecmuffett – history of abermud: http://bit.ly/19jNGw #
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These twitter as blog posts are incredible annoying. Wouldn’t it be better to just put your Twitter feed on the side?
I’m still experimenting with this, so it’s useful feedback. As my intention is to use Twitter as a sort of microblog (things that are too small for a single blog post) what I might do instead is to consolidate them down to once a week, rather than once a day.